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'Comments like 'brilliant', and 'couldn't ask for anywhere better', are an indication of the overwhelming positive views from parents about the pre-school' (2019)'OUTSTANDING OFSTED REPORT', JULY 2019 | 15th Jul 2019 |
Trinity Pre-School Vinters Road, Maidstone, Kent ME14 5DX Inspection date 26 June 2019 Previous inspection date 15 October 2013 The quality and standards of the early years provision This inspection: Outstanding 1 Previous inspection: Outstanding 1 Effectiveness of leadership and management Outstanding 1 Quality of teaching, learning and assessment Outstanding 1 Personal development, behaviour and welfare Outstanding 1 Outcomes for children Outstanding 1 Summary of key findings for parents This provision is outstanding n The enthusiastic manager and staff team provide a holistic family approach to highquality learning experiences in a welcoming, safe and secure environment. Staff are well informed and knowledgeable educators. n Children demonstrate exemplary behaviour and excellent social skills. All staff give children consistent messages about their expectations for behaviour. This helps children to understand rules and boundaries, and how to keep themselves and others safe. n Self-evaluation is outstanding. The manager constantly seeks, evaluates and acts on the views of parents, staff and children to drive continuous improvement. Meticulous reviews have led to enhancements. For example, children can access exemplary opportunities to enhance their literacy skills. Future plans include enhancing the already excellent outdoor area to ensure all children learn and develop to their full potential. n Exemplary relationships between staff provide an excellent role model for children's behaviour. Children show high levels of respect and consideration towards each other. n Children show very high levels of independence as they select resources that they need. They often play cooperatively and with purpose. They take responsibility to tidy away toys and have a go at putting on and fastening their coats. n Careful monitoring ensures every child makes excellent progress from their starting points and gaps in learning are promptly and accurately addressed. Inspection report: Trinity Pre-School, 26 June 2019 2 of 5 What the setting needs to do to improve further To further improve the quality of the early years provision the provider should: n enhance the outstanding provision even further by enriching the outdoor learning environment to help ensure all children are reaching their full potential in their learning and development. Inspection activities n The inspector observed the quality of teaching and children's activities, completed a joint observation with the manager and held discussions about children's progress and learning. n The inspector held conversations with the manager, staff and children throughout the inspection. n The inspector checked evidence of staff suitability checks and their qualifications, and sampled relevant policies and procedures. n The inspector took into account the views of the parents during the inspection. n The inspector observed staff's planning documentation and the children's assessment records. Inspector Kimberley Luckham Inspection report: Trinity Pre-School, 26 June 2019 3 of 5 Inspection findings Effectiveness of leadership and management is outstanding Safeguarding is effective. With the help of the children, staff carry out rigorous risk assessments on all aspects of practice to ensure the premises are safe and secure. Robust recruitment procedures are followed. The manager and staff have a strong knowledge and understanding of safeguarding. The manager demonstrates very high expectations of the staff team and provides extremely effective support and performance management. Staff undertake training and continue to develop their knowledge, skills and interests. As a result, they are knowledgeable and keen to continuously improve. The staff work very closely with schools that the children move on to, other professionals and providers. This helps to ensure the excellent provision for children and their families is of consistently high quality, and the settings reflective ethos is maintained. Quality of teaching, learning and assessment is outstanding Staff plan an exceptional learning environment where children explore a multitude of resources that can be used in many different ways. As a result, children are highly motivated and focused in their play and learning. For example, children create with natural materials and real tools, and find ways to make their ideas work. Staff listen, encourage and display the children's achievements. This provides valuable opportunities for children to recall and extend their ideas. Staff have an extremely sharp focus on helping all children acquire and extend their communication and language skills. They provide excellent commentary, emphasising key words and introducing new vocabulary as children play. Children are articulate and really enjoy explaining what they know and can see. Personal development, behaviour and welfare are outstanding Staff foster a calm and engaging atmosphere in which children are completely immersed in their play, exploration and learning. Staff are respectful in their interactions with children. For example, they always ask if they can change a child's nappy or help wipe their nose. Staff develop exceptionally strong and positive relationships with children. This promotes an excellent sense of security and emotional well-being. A healthy lifestyle is actively encouraged through high-quality hygiene routines, such as brushing teeth after lunch and a strong focus on physical activity. Outcomes for children are outstanding Children are highly inquisitive, confident and talkative, demonstrating a very positive attitude towards learning. Children are learning key skills in readiness for the next stage in their learning. They count and compare with purpose and learn new mathematical concepts such and simple fractions, sums and volume. Children gain an excellent awareness of the world around them and different people and communities beyond their immediate families. | |